Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Mission Statement
Reaching out to lost souls while bridging the gap between the Church and our community; by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and ministering to the captive, and remembering to commit ourselves to the cause of saving souls and building lives.
Scriptural Foundation
Matthew 25:35-41
Isaiah 58:1-14
Helping the lost to return to Christ. Preaching & teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Overcoming hunger, homelessness, and poor health through meal programs, clothing, and shoe drives, and locating shelters, and free health clinics.
Reaching out to lost souls while bridging the gap between the Church and our community; by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and ministering to the captive, and remembering to commit ourselves to the cause of saving souls and building lives.
Scriptural Foundation
Matthew 25:35-41
Isaiah 58:1-14
Helping the lost to return to Christ. Preaching & teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Overcoming hunger, homelessness, and poor health through meal programs, clothing, and shoe drives, and locating shelters, and free health clinics.